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Removing Old Water Heater Switch Wires and Terminating Safely

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:40 pm
by Grahamggg
Hi all,
I have 2 old water heater switches on my landing that I want to remove and fill in the holes. One is live 24/7 the other labelled boast is on E7 11pm to 7am. I have found where the wires come down from the loft and want to know a safe way of terminating them in the loft?
My plan was to pull the cables and place them in their own 30a junction box labelling each one.
Is this same to do?

Thanks G

Re: Removing Old Water Heater Switch Wires and Terminating Safely

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:46 am
by lets have a look
yes that's safe,the E7 is economy seven so isolate the switch which is on a different circuit board, the other one can be isolated under Immersion heater

Re: Removing Old Water Heater Switch Wires and Terminating Safely

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:41 pm
by Grahamggg
Thanks for your reply.
When you say isolate the switch I assume you mean turning them off on the fuse box?
So I can place each wire in its own jb turn off at the fuse box and that's safe.

Re: Removing Old Water Heater Switch Wires and Terminating Safely

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:47 am
by lets have a look
Yes,you will have a separate fusebox for economy seven,I am not sure but check if you pay an extra standing charge fol E7

Re: Removing Old Water Heater Switch Wires and Terminating Safely

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:14 pm
by ericmark
[quote="lets have a look"]Yes,you will have a separate fusebox for economy seven,I am not sure but check if you pay an extra standing charge fol E7[/quote]
This was the case, but in later years things changed so you could run the washing machine and tumble drier over night. The Economy 7 is the name of the tariff not the system. There are now many ways it is used. Including Radio 4 activated switches.