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Having Some Problems Rewiring my Hallway With new Switches

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:26 pm
by INeedFruit

I recently decorated the hall and I brought new light switches to go along with it. I have noticed the wiring is a bit confusing and would love some advice on it. I have three light switches in total. Two for the hall and one for the hall and outside light. I've taken some photos of the wiring before I started but some of the newer switches do not have the same terminals as the old ones.

I've tried different set-ups and it seems that one light switch is the problem but I could be completely wrong! Here are some images:

Re: Having Some Problems Rewiring my Hallway With new Switches

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:30 pm
by kbrownie
so where are the pictures from before you disconnected the original swicthes.

Also if you are using metallic switch plates, the switch plate must be tied in to all the earths at the switch.

Re: Having Some Problems Rewiring my Hallway With new Switches

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:08 am
by INeedFruit
kbrownie wrote:so where are the pictures from before you disconnected the original swicthes.

Also if you are using metallic switch plates, the switch plate must be tied in to all the earths at the switch.

Here's the Original wiring. Thanks for your help!

Re: Having Some Problems Rewiring my Hallway With new Switches

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:41 pm
by kbrownie
The second switch looks like an intermediate switch have you replaced this also and with an intermediate switch? (they are different to the standard two way switches)

Re: Having Some Problems Rewiring my Hallway With new Switches

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:32 pm
by INeedFruit
That looks like where I'm going wrong. I'll order an intermediate switch soon. Thanks for your help!