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2 Gang Hall Light Switch Change Help

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:18 pm
by Dave222
I have been replacing downstairs light switches which include a 2 gang switch of which one switch controls an upstairs landing light the other a hall light I took photos before but can not get the upstairs light to work even when refitting the original switch the upstairs light is controlled by the downstairs switch or one of two upstairs

Any suggestions would be great thanks

Re: 2 Gang Hall Light Switch Change Help

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:44 pm
by ericmark
I would assume down stairs has just two wires. However you have two three core and earth so maybe not?

So standard two way lighting, simple two wires go to L1 and L2 (not com and L1 that's simple on/off.) Then three wires com L1 and L2 on both switches the wire colours same for both switches, the com is not used on the intermediate switch.

So guess is your showing intermediate switch wires and trying to connect them to a two way switch.

With three switches and one lamp, two are two way switches one is an intermediate switch (4 terminals).

Re: 2 Gang Hall Light Switch Change Help

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:34 am
by kbrownie
It has been observed that the new switch has com/L of both gangs at the top of the switch and L1, L2 at the bottom of it.
Where the original switch one gang is he other way round.

Also noted is unsleeved and unconnected earths, they should be sleeved and must be connected to the metallic face plate and it must be proved there is a fault path back to the MET.