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Mains Smoke Detector Connection has Been Filled in

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:01 am
by Scottydog123
Hello. I own a purpose built flat built in the 90's, that was fitted with a mains connected smoke detector. At some pint the mains connected smoke detector was taken down and the connection in the ceiling covered up with pollyfiller. A battery operated smoke alarm is being used. I have read the smoke detector due to the building's age must be mains connected and if the flat was rented out I could be in trouble. I wondered if was possible to remove the pollyfiller somehow to connect up the smoke detector again? I can see a bit of the connection poking through. The ceilings are concrete so it's hard to make new connections within the ceiling. Many thanks in advance.

Re: Mains Smoke Detector Connection has Been Filled in

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:44 pm
by kbrownie
Not sure about the legal aspect of having smokes in properties built in the 90s??

Thought that reg came in around 2003 but differing regs for different areas of UK.

But if you have cables covered over, lets hop they have been made safe correctly.

To have them back up and running, firstly the condition of the cable would need proving. Then you need to find where you can connect the live feed from, they must also be linked, so all alarms are triggered if one does go off. So you will need three core and earth cable to be present between each alarm unit.
If it is not present (3core+e), you have the option of installing a new cable or going down the route RF alarms.