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Socket Back Boxes Sticking out Slightly

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:16 pm
by kjwx109
I have recently had my house rewired and am in the process of plastering around the sockets. A relative, who is helping me and is slightly more knowledgeable in these matters than myself, has queried the fact that some of the backboxes are not completely recessed, or at least that the fronts of the boxes concerned are not flush with the wall surface. Should I be querying this with the electrician or is there if the front protrudes slightly?


Re: Socket Back Boxes Sticking out Slightly

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:25 pm
by kbrownie
You need to have a word with the installer, they should stick out from wall. Either should be flush or slightly recessed.