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Headboard With Built in USB, Bendy Lights and Strip Lights

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:39 pm
by SeanMc
After a recent stay in a nice hotel I'd like to recreate the headboard in our room.
I'm okay with the wood works, building shelving, just need a plan for the electrics.

I'd like two bendy adjustable lights and a warm 12v strip light around the outside. Shelving could hold tablets or mobile phones with usb charging and a switch for the 12v strip lighting. Bendy lights have a switch built in.

I'd like to run this to a normal wall socket so can unplug when away.

Easiest option I was thinking of an extension lead......any help or ideas guys


Re: Headboard With Built in USB, Bendy Lights and Strip Lights

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:31 am
by Mr White
Why an extension lead? Unless you really mean a piece of flex with a plug on the end?

Since you want to be able to un plug it, then your only choice is a plug with a piece of long enough flex, do make sure the fuse in the plug is suitably rated.
Seeing as you are making the head board why not allow for some where to add the components you will need. Such as power supply for your LED strip (12v) and another one for your USB sockets (5V)

Which parts you actually choose is up to you.