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Alarm Wiring for Pyrnoix Alarm System

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:42 pm
by Theweeknd
I just bought a pyrnoix and this is the first time im installing a alarm, need some help with wiring, down below I have listed what connections are inside what I need connected and two pictures of the connections on main control panel,

Interal sound

T, T, BA, SPK, 12v +/-


T,T,N,C, +,-


T,T, Eng Hold, Stb, Bell, +,-


Prg, z2,z1, +,- d4,d3,d2,d1

And the connections of the main box where it goes back to are on the pictures I attached,

I just need some help as what goes where as Im fairly confident I can wire it up if I know this,

Re: Alarm Wiring for Pyrnoix Alarm System

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:32 pm
by Mr White
There are no attached pictures.

But in summary, read the manual, pyronix are usually very good.

In general
+ & - from all of the detectors go to the Aux supply

NC in the detectors connect to the zones in your panel. (One detector on each zone)

TT are for the tamper. Depending on if your panel has individual tampers or one global tamper determines what you do with them. Again, read the manual.

You will also need to programme the panel, most of this you can use the default settings, but again, read the manual, as some my not be what you require.