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Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:04 am
by Tony1944
I am replacing all my light switches. There is one by the front door that is a 2 gang switch that controls the light in the hall and an outside light. So it's a 2 gang 1 way switch.
Apparently no one makes these anymore ( at least that's what I've been told) so I've had to buy a 2 gang 2 way switch but I don't know how to convert this to 2 gang 1 way.
Can anyone help?
I am an amateur!
Re: Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 2:57 pm
by Mr White
I have not heard of a 2 gang 1 way switch, are you sure yours is not 2 gang 2 way, but being used as 2 gang 1 way?
Your existing switch should have markings on the terminals, you connect the new switch the same way the old switch is connected*, and the terminals you do not use / need you just ignore.
The one thing that you should watch for, is some 2 gang 2 way switches, one switch is upsidedown in relation to the other switch. But the terminal labels are correct.
Also if your new switch is metal you must connect an earth wire between its earth terminal, and the earth terminal on the back box.
* Take a clear in focus picture before you disconnect anything.
Re: Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:34 am
by Tony1944
Thanks very much for your prompt reply. My problem is that the new switches do not have the same terminal configuration as the current one. This switch operates two lights independently.
This is the current switch showing the terminal wiring and the other cables, presumably the neutral cables in a connecting block and the earth is connected to the body of the switch.
This is the new switch and you can see the terminal lettering is different eg there are no com terminals.
Can you tell me how the new switch should be wired using the exisiting wiring.
Many thanks
Really appreciate your help.
Re: Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:28 pm
by Mr White
As I said previously, your new switch should be connected the same way your old switch is connected.
The only difference is the terminal names
L= C
I would also suggest that you use a marker pen and mark each cable with what it is connected to before you swap switches. And don't forget to include the small link wire
Re: Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:36 am
by Tony1944
Firstly my apologies for not replying sooner. The day after I received your reply was the date for my next round of chemotherapy and it takes me a few days to get over that before I can do anything.
Anyway, thanks for you explanation. I followed your guide and everything works fine - we have light!
Thanks again
Re: Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:09 pm
by Mr White
My pleasure.
It is always nice to receive feed back.
Re: Convert 2 gang 2 way light switch to 2 gang 1 way
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:47 pm
by Skid Sprocket
The configuration is exactly the same except the common is marked L instead of C or Com. to use as a one way switch you should use L (C) and L1. Internally the switch connects the L (C) to either L1 so that with a one way setup it completes the circuit or to L2 (open circuit) off. If you mix up L1 and L2 it just means that the switch will work upside down ie. up on and down off.