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New Kitchen Light and Lots of Wires so Help Needed Please.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:38 pm
by Rossplymouth
Hi guys my kitten used to have a strobe light and it have just but a 4 spotlight fitting but I just can't get it to work, I have 3 sets of blue wires and 3 sets of brown wires they are in sets of 1 blue 1 brown. And a earth which has 3 wires coming out the end. I have tried each set and the best I have got is connecting 1 of the blue and earth and 1 brown to the new light fitting and it comes on but the switch doesn't work and it makes the hallway light not work.

Can anyone please help me out

New light fitting ... .jpeg?dl=0 ... .jpeg?dl=0

Re: New Kitchen Light and Lots of Wires so Help Needed Please.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:35 pm
by Mr White
You would be better off getting a competent person to do the job for you.
What you have is quite normal, one cable is the supply, one cable goes to the switch, and the remaining cable goes to the next light fitting. The problem is without having a multi-meter and knowing how to use it, it is not possible to say which cable is which.