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Horizontal Wiring in Stud Wall for Garden Room

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 8:39 pm
by roughneck
Hi guys,
I'm building a garden room. I installed an armoured cable into the base plate went with the water pipe. I ran the cable to the opposite corner horizontal. Is this bad practice. I also ran all the sockets horizontal. Do i need to re-wire the sockets? It is behind the Kingspan. This would be a pain but can be done. But moving the Armoured cable would be a right pain unless unless I fit a junction box in the wall and send a cable up and back down. Wanted to get ahead before a got an election to install the consumer unit.

Thanks for any help

Re: Horizontal Wiring in Stud Wall for Garden Room

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 11:03 am
by ericmark
Google safe zones, there are zones which the cables must be installed in, the idea is anyone doing work will expect cables to be found in those zones and will not drill walls where cables are likely to be found.

You can run cables horizontally and in the corners 150 mm either side of corner, not sure of sizes but where the SWA comes up in corner it may need fixing to ensure bend is within the 150 mm limit, there would need to be something at the end of the SWA which shows there will be power coming to it.

You can't take cables diagonal, or both horizontal and vertical or around corners, but as said google cable safe zones and there are loads of diagrams.