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Power Camera Attached to Drone Directly

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:54 pm
by Tarquin
Hello, I have removed a camera from a drone which I found in a tree. The drone was no good plus I don't have the handset but hoping that I can make use of the camera.

Does anyone know how to make this camera work by attaching a battery directly and which wires I should connect etc? Ideally I'd like to completely remove the main circuit board from the drone as I doubt it's needed and I imagine that in there is an on and off switch for the camera which would have been activated from the handset.

The battery which I think is completely unusable was 3.7V.

The green, black and white wires are the wires which feed from the drone circuit board to the camera/camera connection.

Re: Power Camera Attached to Drone Directly

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:44 pm
by Mr White
In the world of electronics (Where the drone came from) there is no rule for coloured wires, so it is up to the manufacturer of a device what colour is used for what. With this in mind if you just "guess" it is extremely likely that the camera will be "fried" if you get it wrong.
The best way to find out would be to reverse engineer it, but if you were able to do that you would have done so.
Also the camera will be of little use since it appears to have no lens, and being as it came from a drone I will say it probably will not last very long running on the battery you have, you will also need a charger for the battery.

Consider the following.
You do not know how it should work.
You do not know if it can work.
You need to buy a charger of the correct voltage.
The camera needs to be mounted and requires physical protection (A box)
A dedicated CCTV camera can be had for around £10
A dedicated covert camera can be had for less than £10

With all the above considered I would have to point out what you ask is not worthwhile wasting time with.

Re: Power Camera Attached to Drone Directly

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:09 am
by Tarquin
Thank you, I thought that might might be the best advice. Bin it is.