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2 Wire Pairs Coming Out of the Wall for new Security Light

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 3:05 pm
by Jailhouse
I need some help installing a security light outside.

My new security light comes with single Neutral, Live and Earth wires.

My wall has 2 brown, 2 blue and 1 green/yellow wires coming out of it.

I have 3 wire nuts.

How do I hook this up so it's safe?


Re: 2 Wire Pairs Coming Out of the Wall for new Security Light

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:13 pm
by Mr White
Unless you have a safe way of identifying what the wires are connected to at the other end it is not possible to advise you what to do other than to call a competent person who can check for you.
The problem arises because there is not a definitive way of wiring lights, and as such is down to who ever installed the cables as to what each one does, it is possible to guess, but to guess is never a good idea.