by ericmark »
Fri Aug 09, 2019 5:56 am
The plate could cover anything, you would need to find out what.
In my house there was a red, black, green/yellow that would have been a thermostat, it now is a thermostat again, where the thermostat connected to a programmer there is now a blanking plate, and the programmer is now in flat below.
It was part guess, and part test, I guessed it was a likely position for a thermostat, so I tested and confirmed it was.
Went into a flat with blanking plates, and realised originally for call buttons.
In the main when we power standard lamps from a socket switched with main lights we use 5 amp sockets so some one can't plug in some thing using high power in error, and it would seem odd to remove them when leaving the house.
Mothers house had wall lights, when it was rewired they were all disconnected and ceiling lamps replaced them.
As said the small red sleeve on the black wire points to it being a switch, but although that would seem likely, the question is, what did it switch?