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In-line Wall Switch for Lamp in Garage?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:40 am
by MamTor
I've now got a 240v feed into my garage, so just installed a consumer unit with separate 6A and 16A MCBs.

And I've installed a large LED strip light on the roof of the garage. This is currently the only light fitting, so I'm planning to install a single flat twin/earth electrical cable between the light and the consumer unit (6A MCB). The light doesn't incorporate a 'rose', it just has an internal terminal block for L, N and E wires.

I'm wiring everything up with 20mm conduit, and I need to install a light switch as I don't want to use the MCB to power lights on and off each time I enter. I've already got a new outdoor light switch which can be configured for 1-way or 2-way, and this obviously accepts my 20mm conduit couplings. But I cannot figure out how to install this switch 'in-line' as a simple breaker. I effectively just need a basic in-line lamp switch that forms a loop returning to the consumer unit - but that's not how wall mounted light switches work.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to install a full lighting circuit with a junction box/ceiling rose as it all needs to be outdoor grade.

Suggestions will be much appreciated.

Re: In-line Wall Switch for Lamp in Garage?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:24 am
by MamTor
I may have just answered my own question.....

Presumably I can just join the neutral wires together inside the switch box using a single plastic terminal block - and then the live wires connect to the L1 and Com terminals of the switch ?

Re: In-line Wall Switch for Lamp in Garage?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:32 pm
by Mr White
That is correct.