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Mesb-20no Distribution Board Contactor Issues

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:14 pm
by Chrismarksmith
Hoping someone can answer a really simple question I can't find an answer to.
I have a distribution board with timers for some outside lights .

Two timers and 4 mesb-20no contactors, only two of which are labeled.

When I set the timers to ON one of the mesb-20no displays red as per the attached image. I can't find if this means there is a fault of if it means on.

Setting the two timers to ON does not make the other contactors display a red section so I guess I does mean a fault but wanted to check before I swap it out.

Lights are not coming on, so this seems a likely cause of the problem to me.


Re: Mesb-20no Distribution Board Contactor Issues

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:22 am
by Mr White
Not being familiar with your contactor I would assume red means on, But what happens if you swap both contactors over ?