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Wall Thermostat Wired Wrong?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:58 pm
by goodylee1985
Hello, excuse my ignorance and lack of knowledge but i've been having issues with my boiler.

The hot water is working fine so i have now ruled out my boiler.

When i turn my heating on at the wall control panel i get no heating which led me to the wall thermostat as the last option.

I recently had a new wall thermostat wired in by a electrician and today i've just realised that the heating comes on when the temperature on the thermostat is low, yet doesn't work when high which it should be.

With it working the opposite way around is it as simple as it sounds the electrician has wired this incorrectly?

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Wall Thermostat Wired Wrong?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:49 pm
by Mr White
From your description it does sound like your thermostat is wired incorrectly.
I would guess the stat has terminals marked C, NO and NC, if so with the electricity off swap the wire over from which ever terminal it is connected to, to the other terminal.
So if it is on NO move it to NC
If it is on NC move it to NO

Do not move C