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Storage heaters on the ring main

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:27 pm
by EBH
I would like to fit storage heaters in my small flat. There is no economy 7 unit, so I would like to reduce costs by connecting to the existing ring main. I have four questions:

1. Is it "legal" to connect storage heaters to the ring main?
2. What (if any) is the power limit?
3. How should I do it - spur?
4. If connected to the normal consumer unit/meter, does the stoage heater still use cheap rate electricity?

Any advice would be gratefully recieved


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:10 pm
by sparx
Hi, not advisable to fit such large fixed loads to existing ring, would need local time clocks to switch each one on at 'off-peak' times, which do not automatically attract lower charge rates. You must get a dual rate meter fitted and agree a tariff with your supplier, regards