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Replacing Bathroom Extractor & Light - Wiring Question

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:46 pm
by Ryanfozzie
Good afternoon!

Hope everyone is safe and well. First time posting - apologies for any mistakes!

I'm replacing a old in line extractor (the type that included the light in vent and couldn't extract air even if it tried - it was useless) and replacing it with a Manrose MF100T. The good news is that the extractor is a straight swap Live, Live Permanant, Netural.

As you can see from the attached, the wiring is a bit of a mess as there was another connection to the halogen light that will not be used anymore. Rather than leaving a live wire, I would like to do this correctly.

From my understanding, I need to do the following (based on the attached photo of the current situation).

Current Lighting Wiring
Current Lighting Wiring

Connect the lives into 1 X 4 Way Compact PushWire Connectors
Connect the neturals into 1 X 4 Way Compact PushWire Connectors
Connect the earths into 1 X 4 Way Compact PushWire Connectors

I can then remove the extra 'spur' as such that was for the light in the vent and pop it all in a nice junction box.

Sorry if this does not make any sense!

Thanks! :)

Re: Replacing Bathroom Extractor & Light - Wiring Question

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:16 pm
by Mr White
It makes no sense what so ever.

The "push in connectors" are called Wago connectors.
I can only suggest that if you want to remove an existing light you follow its cable back to your junction and remove its cable from there.