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Oops, I hammered thorugh a wire in the loft.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:08 pm
by nitro23456
I accidently hammered through the upstairs lighting circuit when laying some loft floor boards so I can have more storage space.

The wire in question started to smoke slightly and the the consumer unit trpped on the the upstairs lighting circuit.

I turned the power off and pulled the offending nail out. I then turned the power back on and pushed up the tripswitch for the circuit and turned all the upstairs lights on for 30 minutes.

There doesnt seem to be a problem. My question is, should I get this checked out (considering it all seems to be fine) and ahve the wire changed? Would it be OK to just tape round the wire just for extra protection? At the moment I have just left it and it seems to be fine (I only went through the middle of a thick wire, so only the centre was effected.)

Any advice welcome.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:59 pm
by sparx
Hi, you must get it checked! if as you say you went thro' middle of cable you poss. hit live to earth this would cause trip but may have cut thro' earth wire to rest of circuit!! so altho it seems to work you may now have lost a level of protection. the very least to do is to cut open cable and look at damage, it may just need a joint box to reconnect everything, or a short replacement length of cable, but the risk of leaving it to chance in my opinion isn't worth the fire later!!!
regards SPARX

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:32 am
by nitro23456
if there was a problem, would the consumer unit not just trip out again before anything happens?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:29 am
by Oddbod
You have asked a pro what to do and it looks like you are chosing to ignore his advice. You have a fire hazard in your loft, you know about it, you've been told what to do about it. Get on and do it before something happens - as it will. You have published this post, if there is a fire in your home (as there will be) you are now not covered by any insurance in the land.

Edited by DIYDoctor as (although we agree with every single word you said) the language was a little strong. I'm afraid there are a great many people out there that should not be allowed anywhere near a screwdriver.

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:11 pm
by nitro23456
This has been sorted and always was going to be...... My second post was meant to cover 'in the meantime' as it was the middle of the night!

The circuit was isolated in the meantime, and the offending cabling was removed and the good ends joined with a junction box today.

I do not understand why my post was removed and it unecessary to imply I shouldnt be allowed near a screwdriver....... I havent done anything wrong here apart from accidently hitting a nail through something I shouldnt have done!! If any of you say you have never done this you are lying!

I asked for some advice and it was followed. That is the entire point of this forum is it not?

As for the insurance comment - If anyone can identify me from this thread I will eat my hat!!

Anyway, despite the rudeness of some people, the issue is resolved. Thank you to Sparx for his advice.