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Replacing normal single switch with dimmer

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:15 pm
by Neil_h
Hi, new to this forum but would be very grateful for some (I hope) simple assistance.
I am replacing a normal single switch with a dimmer. I've done a bit before and am OK with wiring, but the original switch only has brown connections and the the blue are joined together in the box (which I think is OK).
I'm not sure which connections go where. Any help would be really gratefully appreciated.

Re: Replacing normal single switch with dimmer

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:38 pm
by Mr White
The three browns should go into the terminal marked ~ and the remaining single brown should go in the terminal marked L1, but since the terminals are too small for 3 wires, I would suggest you buy some 5A connector strip (Or wagos) connect the 3 brown wires together (just as they are in the switch) Then run a short (But same size, probably 1mm) from the 3 brown wires to the switch ~ terminal, and as I previously said, the single brown wire to the L1 Terminal.

1) Buy a "wago basic starter box" of connectors, very easy to use and you will never regret it.
2) Move the single brown first, that way you know all the 3 brown wires must go together.

Re: Replacing normal single switch with dimmer

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:14 pm
by Neil_h
Thank you SO much for going to the effort and spending time to reply. All of that makes perfect sense. I'm very grateful!