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Sonoff wiring in thailand

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:20 pm
by humusking
Hello my UK friends. I live in Thailand and I am renovating my house. Completely rewiring everything.
It has 3 bedrooms, kitchen and living area. Quite a small house. About 150sqm
So.... I need some advise from the professionals. I have already purchased the wiring (1.5sqmm for lighting and 2.5sqmm for sockets)
Now I am planning the switches. Where I need your help.
I would like to use the sonoff smart switches but I don't know which ones to purchase. Maybe tx series
In the bedroom as you come in, I need a 3 gang. One for the led lights one for the fan and one for an extractor fan. But.... I also need another single gang near the head of the bed (2 way with one of the 3 gang) so I can turn off the light without getting out of bed or using the eWlink app.
Given I am rewiring everything I want to get it right so I can turn off lights at the ******* switch or via the app (even if the internet happens to be not working)
Thanx in advance
Jonathan and oum