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Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:48 am
by juniorg
Hi all,

I have an alarm system for which I have just purchased an outdoor siren for a visual deterrent and also to maximize the range of the siren. You can hardwire this so that you don't need to purchase/fit a solar panel and do not have to change the internal batteries frequently.

I'm unsure how I can wire this into the ring main as it needs "9-28V, 12W DC power". I intend to wire this through the loft, purely as where the siren will be placed for maximum external visibility, but I'm unsure how I fit this into the existing mains wiring that is in the loft. There are no sockets up there, only the wiring for the upstairs light ring main and the upstairs socket ring main. I could wire in an additional socket and purchase a DC power adapter/convertor, but wanted some advise on the best and most appropriate way.

The instructions state:

Supports 9-28V, 12W DC power and 0.2 - 2.5mm wire
Do not apply DC power above or below 9-28V, 12W
Do not apply AC power
Do not use wire gauge above or below 0.2 - 2.55mm

Any help appreciated.


Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:05 pm
by Mr White
Why not buy a "plug in*" power supply and plug it in and extend the cable so it can supply your siren.

* Similar to a mobile phone charger. (It plugs in)

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:18 am
by juniorg
Thanks Mr White - I could do that, I'd need to add a spur into the loft as there are no plug sockets up there at the moment, so could split the upstairs ring main circuit and spur from up there.

I just wondered if there was an 'easier' solution, some transformer that I could wire into the existing lighting/mains circuit in the loft so I wouldn't need the socket/power supply (if that makes sense).

If I do end up wiring in a plug to the upstairs ring main in the loft, I assume that I could do that using a 3 way junction box to continue the circuit and give me a way to connect the spur ? If that the best approach ?


Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:49 pm
by Mr White
It would be unusual to find the ring final cables in the loft, which is why I suggested you buy a "plug in" power supply and then plug it in.......on the first floor and then run an alarm cable up and out through the loft to your siren.

You could buy a hard wired power supply and feed it from the lighting circuit but you would need to install a means of local isolation and get the right cable first time.

The first option would be strait forward.

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:17 pm
by juniorg
Thanks Mr White.

The 1st floor plug circuit cabling does go through the loft so I ended up using a junction box to spur a plug socket and used your advice for a charger. Worked a treat.


Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:03 am
by ericmark
A bell box will normally have a battery fitted, so disconnecting the bell box makes it sound, so the supply has to be battery backed or the alarm will sound if there is a power cut, it is not a stand alone unit.

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:36 am
by Mr White
ericmark wrote:A bell box will normally have a battery fitted, so disconnecting the bell box makes it sound, so the supply has to be battery backed or the alarm will sound if there is a power cut, it is not a stand alone unit.

You have obviously not heard of a "wireless" alarm. (They have been about for many years now.)
All devices (except the main panel) are battery powered, including the external siren. Some external sirens have a solar panel to charge the battery. You can see an example of one if you follow this link ... 11&sr=8-31

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:30 am
by ericmark
Showing my age, I did have a wireless extruder alarm thinking about it, to warn if mother had gone walk about, but being an extruder alarm not intruder it did not have anti tamper switches, and it had the PP3 back-up battery removed and powered from a smart socket so we could turn it off with remote controls rather than have to go upstairs to turn it off before answering the door.

An intruder alarm is only any good if some one responds, and unless linked to a call centre likely non residents of the property will only curse, and not respond, as to so called security lights all they do is insure the intruder can see a safe way to home, in the main used so occupants can see their way outside, so really wrong name, they are safety lights as they reduce falls and tripping over the odd bike left out.

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:07 pm
by juniorg
It's a Ring unit so does have a battery backup if the mains power is dropped.

As the Ring alarm works from an internal siren, I wanted 2 things. 1) An external visual deterrent (this one glows at night - that'll send the thieves running ;-)) and 2) an outdoor siren. Appreciate this may annoy the neighbours if I'm away and it's triggered without cause, but I'd rather have all of the flashing lights and noise available.

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:00 pm
by ericmark
Only 20 minutes by law it must auto stop at 20 minutes.

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:00 pm
by Mr White
Sorry, its 15 minutes. (it was 20)

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:03 pm
by Mr White
juniorg wrote: 1) An external visual deterrent (this one glows at night - that'll send the thieves running ;-))

Emoji's do not work on this forum, so I have to ask, do you really think that because your sounder box is slightly illuminated that it will scare intruders?

Re: Outdoor Alarm Siren - Hardwired Help Needed

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:42 pm
by juniorg
I was merely after some advice on how to wire it in rather than the effectiveness of the solution.

:-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)