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3 red wires 1 black when replacing light fitting

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:47 pm
by steve_since_85
Evening all,

Can anybody shed any light (no put intended) on this.

I'm replacing a light fitting and I've come across 3 red wires, 1 black and 2 earths. I've fitted red/red and the single black into the blue but the light won't switch off and reading on similar issues it appears the single black wire may actually be the live, if this is the case, how can I find out which red is neutral and can I just block the other 2 wires off?

Thanks in advance


Re: 3 red wires 1 black when replacing light fitting

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:49 am
by Mr White
To identify if a wire is live or not you need a multi meter or a two probe voltage indicator, proximity voltage indicators are known to be un reliable.

From your description it sounds like you are some wires missing, I would suggest you get an electrician in to check things for you.

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