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Swap dimmer switch for normal switch

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 8:15 pm
by DanTheManGX
Hi, I am trying to swap a dimmer switch for a regular switch, see images attached but there are a lot more wires than I was expecting!!
Any advice on how to wire up the normal switch please? Do I need all these wires?
thanks for any help

Re: Swap dimmer switch for normal switch

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 10:18 pm
by Mr White
You connect the wires to the new switch EXACTLY the same way they are on the old switch.
Do it tomorrow when its daylight.

To be 100% sure put a small label on each wire, and take another picture (Check the picture is in focus)

Look at your old switch, you have C next to L1
Look at your new switch C is at the other end from L1
But the wires still go in the same name terminal (C and L1) just like they do now.