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Access to wiring for extractor fan and pull switch

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:19 pm
by Hexadductor
Hi all,

There is probably a very obvious answer to this, but I thought I would check anyway.
Our newish bathroom, (tiling, shower and plastered ceiling) does not have an extractor fan and I would like to install one by wiring it into the pull switch. My questions is; to access these areas, and run the wiring across to the fan, is the only option to cut some access holes in the ceiling and then make good afterwards? I will also put an isolation switch outside the bathroom.

Re: Access to wiring for extractor fan and pull switch

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:13 pm
by Mr White
The first thing to check would be the switch, does it have a neutral? Most switches don't as they do not need it.

If it has a neutral (You should prove that it is a neutral first, never assume anything) then you can proceed.

If it has no neutral then you will have to find the neutral for the lights and use this.

Once you have found your live and neutral it is up to you how to get it to the isolator and then the fan. (There are no rules stating what the route must be, but there are rules about what "zones" the cable must be in.) But most people would go into the loft, I guess you do not have access to the loft?

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