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old cabling

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:36 pm
by ernie33
[b]i have an outsie cable wiyh red(live) black (neutral) yellow(earth) and blue ? where does the blue connect to on a threepin socket box?[/b]

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:32 pm
by sparx
Hi , it probably doesn't .!!!
cable in use RED,YEL, BLU, & BLK is 3 phase & N cable so if being used in domestic situation then any combination possible. need to look at supply end to see how connected, usually red L, yel, sleeved grn/yel E & blk N, blue not connected, but as out of doors then needs 'part-p ' leckie to connect or high fee to bldg control to DIY legally, regards SPARX