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Adding a light

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:28 am
by robwmad7
Hi, first time on here for me......

I am currently trying to install an additional light in my attic room, but i'm a bit unsure about how to wire it in.

I currently have a single twin & earth cable from a 1 gang, 1 way switch supplying a strip light in the attic room.

I want to install an additional strip light and to use a 2 gang 1 way switch so I can switch both lights on and off independently.

At present I have taken a feed to the new light off the existing light & i've ran a cable from the new light to the switch area, is this correct ?
How do I connect this all up in the switch ??
I've not connected anything yet..... any help please ???

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:10 pm
by sparx
Hi, I think you may have run more than you need, if light [original] only had a single cable from sw. then L& N must be at sw, with N connected through in choc blk in sw box.
If so then take out cable between lights as not needed, just cable from new light to sw, get 2 gang sw. each half will have C,L1,L2, ignore L2's
connect your new N [Blue] in with other ones in chok blk [poss.blks? if older wiring,] put new lights Live[brown] into L1, put old light Live [Red] into other L1 put incoming live to C's[link both together with short wire]
if not like this tell what is @ sw. regards,SPARX

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:30 pm
by robwmad7
Hi Sparx,

Thanks for the info, will try out tomorrow.... Just checked the switch again & Neutral is connected to Top terminal & live to bottom, earth not used (plastic surface mounted box).

Thank again.... Rob

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:47 pm
by sparx
STOP, ignore what i said above as you did say you had a supply to light from sw. but now you say you have a live & sw. line only at sw. the blk at sw. is NOT a Neutral!!the prat who wired it should have marked the blk with red sleeving at both ends to show it is a sw. LIVE not neutral.
this means your original light has a feed cable with its live looped through to the sw, a neutral blk connected to light, and the other sw.L [blk/should be red]connected to lights L term.
check and confirm first please
regards SPARX