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Removing a socket

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:03 pm
by inch high
Hi guys,

How easy is to remove a socket from a wall. Its in a stupid position in my lounge and I'm getting the wall plastered, so I though I'd remove it at the same time.

Is it just a case of removing the front and replacing it with some sort of backing plate that would then be skimmed over? I assume once disconnected the wires would have to be reconnected to complete the ciruit again?

Is it easy to do for DIYer?

Or, if I do have to get a sparky in, how long should it take them?

Cheers folks!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:12 pm
by kbrownie
hi inch high,
The cables do need to be reconnected as it will be suppling power to the next outlet, You then fix a face plate over this back box, but you can not plaster over this because of safety reason, the fact that a live is running the wall needs to known and can be identified by the plate being visable.
Kind Regards

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:15 pm
by inch high
Seems a bit daft to have to do that, because there will still be wire behind the plaster away from the face plate.

Is it part of building regs to do that?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:44 pm
by kbrownie
Hi inch high,
I know it might seem inconvenient but there are what you call permitted cable routes, where cables are concealed in a wall and if the cable is not enclosed in earthed metal conduit,trunking or ducting. It must follow a safe route, Which will be indentified by this face plate. Section 7 (7.3.2) in the on site guide and regulation 522-06-06 BS7671 wiring regs.
Regards KB

PS and if anything goes wrong with the circuit it will give you an inspection point for this termination.
Remember be safe!
Good Luck

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:20 pm
by 333rocky333
if the wires go down under the floorboards , you could chase them back out and pull cables under floor and rejoin in a suitable j/box or even reroute to a more convenient location