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Which Wire Is Which???? HELP PLEASE

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:26 pm
by johnowhetton
i am currently replacing my socket fronts throughout my house, i have come to change the switch front for a storage heater, the trouble is the wires are not red and black, there is a brown wire, a green wire and a green & yellow banded wire from the storage heater (i presume the grean and yellow banded wire is the earth wire) i cant tell which wire is which does anyone have any ideas??
i would appreciate any help

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:10 pm
by 333rocky333
you sure its green and not a blue
if it is the flex to the heater , check in the heater where it connects ,it will have L .N .E. marked there so you can work it out from there,If it is flex it should be brown live, blue neutral and G/Y earth same as a plugtop.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:26 pm
by sparx
Hi, John,
I think you will find the flex from the heater is in fact brn=Live,
g/yel = Earth and the 'green ' is in fact a faded blue = Neutral.
this is often what happens to older heat resistant butyl rubber type flexes
regards SPARX