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Replacing kitchen light

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:49 am
by sturobinson

Our light fitting in the kitchen broke, sending the bulb and shade smashing on to the kitchen floor...

Anyway, as a result, i'm installing a new spotlight....
I think i know how to wire it, but would rather someone in the know just made sure :)

The only thing i'm a bit concerned about is drilling holes to screw the new light it place... how do i find something solid to screw into and miss any wires?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:38 pm
by thedoctor
See our electrical projects, replacing a light fitting et al.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:44 am
by ericmark
When wiring a house the cables go in without fittings first and then the fitting are added at a latter stage the wire for the lights is fixed to the joist and the light is also fitted to same joist so normally there is a joist right next to the hole for the wires. With bigger fitting plaster board fitting may be used but that would be unusual. The standard ceiling rose has the hole offset to one side. And three junction blocks plus earth. Center is live three connections to one side neutral either black old or blue new colour and double connection comes from switch should be red or brown but often black or blue should have red or brown sleeve but often either fell off or never put on. This will also have brown wire from light. Not all light fitting have permanent live where special lights are fitted as original sometime electricians take the feed to the switch or to a junction box. But it seems a regular job to replace the three way connector that come with spot light to four to accommodate the live. I hope that helps