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Lighting Wiring - 2 x red, 1 x black, 1 x blue & 1 x yel

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:33 pm
by BigG123
I am attempting to change from an old style ceiling rose to a new fitting but have found 2 X Red live wires, 1 X Black & 1 X Blue which I'm guessing are both neutral, 1 X Yellow wire wich was in the 'loop' connection and 2 X bare Earth in a yellow/green sheath.

My new fitting only has Red & Black live & neutral and Yellow/Green earth connections.

I've put both Reds to live connection, the Blue & the Black to the neutral connection and I have tried the Yellow to Earth but the light now comes on when switch is in the off position and it trips the breaker when I switch it 'off'.

Any ideas anyone?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:24 pm
by kbrownie
Please explain more is this circiut a one way or two. ( is it connected to two different swicthes, which both switch the light on and off)
The cables on the light fitting are usually Brown (L)
,Blue (N) ,Green/Yellow (E). Could you also explain the wiring inside the switch this will help.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:24 pm
by 333rocky333
Is the switch a single 1 gang and is it 1 or 2 way

check what wires are in that switch

Your new light possibly should not join to the two reds these will be left joined on there own.

It would seem thats why it is on when the switch is off as you used the reds and is blowing when switched possibly because you have also joined the switchlive yellow to earth !!
It may be the blue was used as the switchlive instead , and the yellow was parked up unused ,this would do the same as above, as you have joined the BLUE to neutral.
Check what colours are used in the switch.

Your yellow is proberly not earth ,test to see if it is live or becomes live when switch operated
Do same with blue but may read as live if it is a neutral returning from elsewhere so may confuse you.
When sure what is switchlive use as live to the new light

As for the blue this may be in use as a neutral or a switched live ,
you need to locate the other end to determine what it is being used as.

Proberly best to leave this blue parted from the neutral till you sort out the other cores, and work out what it is for, the blue or yellow ,may not be in use within the switch, but you do NEED to locate it.
And either connect or seal off safely !

When you do locate the switchlive mark it red or brown to assist in the future

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:14 pm
by BigG123
ok thanks guys, I sussed it.

Reds were joined and left out, Blue & Black connected to nuetral, Yellow is switched live so connected that to Live on fitting and Earth connected out.
