by sparx »
Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:29 pm
Hi Rocky, eric & others,
this is great!!!!
Thanks for moving here, I almost didn't answer original post but get fed up with all the billy-B-S being put about by various people.
As leckies we are quite at liberty to employ any method we like to achieve disconnection times etc, providing able to show test readings to confirm, this has always been a factor of regs. eg notwithstanding detailed calcs of CSA if the loop reading shows a low enough path to trip supply in required time then it complies.
As Winston Churchill once said " rules are for the guidance of wise men & the obediance of fools!"
An example I gave of 'pig-tail' earths was introduced by an NICEIC moron who misread regs. it has now become folk-law....
If wiring with Pvc/Pvc twin / cpc the circuit earth conductor should go to the front plate, when the plate is fitted with at least one fixed lug then the back box is deemed to be earthed, if the front plate is being undone the power should be OFF, HSE guide lines, Eletricity at work Act Ect. so box not a risk.
If we as Competent Persons require live circuit for testing etc. we must justify such action, take precations to reduce danger, thats what we do, it doesn't follow that other less competent people will have same duty-of - care as us so as Doc says be careful what we say to others,
I regularly go on 'trade only' forums, NAPIT ECA & the amount of debating that goes on between very experienced tradesmen is amazing,
regs so open to interpretation that as long as we are individually happy to defend our understanding of issues then it's fine for use but confusing for outsiders, Having just paid over £1400 to renew my annual insurances for leckie work I will be very picky as to which posts I answer.....
I don't want to try to prove anyone wrong, equally I don't want to give bad advice, as for buried SWA I was told by a cable maker it is wrong to run seperate earth conductor as it can unbalance cable under fault conditions but for some smaller sizes of cable particularly those using thinner XLPE insulation it is better to use an additional core & if used as a sub-main to disconnect at downstream end and use TT system, 45 years in trade & still having 'mass-debates' can't be all bad,
best wishes to all,