question for sparks?
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:40 pm
Hi sparks am also wondering about retraining in your field , and have seen the courses available , i had my doubts about the short courses myself but have seen a course ie : 16th edition , 2381 , pat testing and domestic installer , this all told takes about a year , is this in your very knowledgable opinion worth the paper its wrote on , i know there is no substitute for experience as i learnt my main trade over 8 yrs in the raf but there must be good possibilities for mature students , especially with all the new regs . appreciate your opinion Cheers once again Jeff ( a keen , willing and able quick learner ) . PS did a composite electrics course when i did my propulsion technician course hopefully this will stand me in good stead, also what do you think the prospects are for all us new boys ?