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Bathroom light connection

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:15 pm
by danny T
Im trying to connect a bathroom mirror with a light fitted on to the top. At the back of the mirror is the main connection box where the mains is connected to. My problem is where to put the two thin wires that run from the light. They are both silver and came with the exposed wires wound together. The only available terminals to connect them to is the brown or blue after the switch. Can anyone give me some help before I attempt this work.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:45 am
by ericmark
Bathrooms come under Part P and must be done by a competent person as defined by the act. There are zones and voltages etc. And if it is a bathroom mirror I would expect some transformer and only seeing the job could verify if something is missing.