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Wiring of 2 ceiling lights to 1 swtich

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:37 am
by jimfromjohnstone
I have replaced 2 ceiling roses with 2 ceiling lights (controlled from 1 swtich).

After connecting all my wires and flicking the mains switch I was pleased to find both lights working...... when I went to swtich off the lights at the light swtich 1 remained on!

I have the wiring as follows:

* mains/switch earths connected to light earths
* mains/switch lives connected to block but nothing at other side
* mains neutral connected to light neutral
* switch neutral (live) connected to light lives

How can I get the switch to also swtich off the other light?


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:04 am
by ericmark
Please understand this is a guess but I suspect the light that switches on and off has the live for other lamp in with lives instead of in with switch wire.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:55 pm
by jimfromjohnstone
So you would suggest that my lives from the ceiling light should connect to the Neutral (live) switch plus a live from one of the two power cables?