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Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:56 pm
by dt marshall
Hello Doctor. I have 2 way switches for the hall and landing. However, they seem to be out of sync with each other. I think they have been wired in incorrectlty. The hall switch that operates the landing lights will turn them off and vice versa.
1 Could you please explain how I wire the cables in (why are there four cables?).
2 How do I identify them.
Many thanks.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:33 pm
by sparx
Hi dtm, not enough info! do you mean sw. toggles are in different positions for each circuit, in which case no remedy! Or are circuits mixed up? in which case what cables at each sw. how many one gang & how many 2 gangs? are the circuits both 2 way, what colour cores come from what cables at each sw. position?
theres a reason sparkies can charge ££££ / hr, & you just found it!!!!
regards SPARX