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moving a light switch ?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:12 pm
by Herman Hessian
i have two rather nice floodlights mounted to an exterior wall of a house in to which we have recently moved, only problem is, the switch for them is situated on the second floor, and it's a pain in the ******* to have to traipse upstairs to switch 'em of and on

done a bit of searching through various posts, and the concensus seems to be that i can utilise the existing switch as a junction box, and simply run additional cable to the new preferred location, and fit a new switch there - is that right, or am i missing some central, hugely important facet that makes the entire project virtually impossible to do without years of training and/or being required to hand over vast sums of cash to trained professionals ?

thanks in advance for any clarification :D

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:53 am
by ericmark
Using the old switch as a junction box or converting to two way (Handy if you forget to switch them off then notice from up-stairs) is a good idea. But you need to then see what is involved with your idea. Chasing walls is messy. Getting the cable between floor to ceiling often requires floor boards to be removed and rules say vertical or horizontal only in the wall no combinations or angled runs so often that means even more floor boards up. There are some radio controlled switches (Wireless) on the market which I would look at. If the new switch ends up in kitchen you would also need Part P and often you find outside lights are feed from the socket supply which means a fuse is required as we can't see the job we can only point you. It is up to you to work out between best and easiest way. It can easy turn out to be a "Just Job" and look simple to start with then become a nightmare.
So what sort of switch it is on now? Has it got fuse built in? Is it a switch hight or is it at socket hight where someone has converted socket to light switch? I think screwfix sell wireless switches but if combined with fuse you may need second backing box.

All best Eric

PS you may want to read Part P document there is a link in projects area. I don't think you will need it but can't do any harm to check.