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Flat Garage Roof

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:30 am
by briane
My garage roof is ready for renovation work.
At the moment it is covered with felt and just beginning to show signs of wear. A contactor wants to replace all the edge flashings, taped all the seams, and any blisters and then cover the roof with a bitumen based product which he describes as containing hessian flecks. It all seems good and he assures me it will cover well and give a lasting solution to future dampness.
I would appreciate any comments, before I make the decision to go ahead.

Many thanks in anticipation.

1 piece rubber membrane- fit and forget

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:32 pm
by rubberroof

We can offer a diy system using a piece rubber membrane manufactured by Firestone. Lasts in excess of 50 years plus.

my site will explain everything