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Flashing for lean-to roof

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:13 pm
by Black_Eyed_Dog

This is my first time on this site, and I'm a novice when it comes to DIY, but I'm having a go, and would appreciate any help, please???

I have a 16mm polycarbonate roof on my lean-to, which goes between ours and next doors walls.
Problems is, it's starting to leak on each side, mainly due to the previous owners applying rubbish, inadequate flashing, using strips of L shaped PVC, and not cutting it into the wall. GRRR!!!
I was looking to get lead flashing put on, but I'm concerned about it lifting off the Polycarb roof.
What would you suggest, please???

Also, it's very cold in there, so I'm thinking of boarding the underneath of the beams and putting insulation inbetween the roofing and the boards.
What do you think???

Any help would be very much appreciated.......

Ta very much



Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:36 pm
by welsh brickie
you could use flashband its an adhesive flashing that comes in a roll
and is applied using a heat gun.
Get a price for a self clean glass roof ,intead of insulating and boarding the glass is highly heat efficent and would look 100 times better.
Its not as expensive as you may think

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:58 am
by TheDoctor5
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