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Flat roof insulation between rafters or above boards?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:03 am
by NoobNoob999
Hi :)
I have just bought a house in need of much renovation! One room is flat roof and I am unsure if I need to add any insulation between the rafters or if there is a layer of inuslation above the boards and the space between the rafters is for air flow. I have attached a photo for clarity. Any advice welcome :)

Re: Flat roof insulation between rafters or above boards?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:04 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi noobnoob999,
Suggest you assume the space is for ventilation and fit insulation between the joists leaving a 50mm ventilation gap. Then add a further 50mm + of insulation over the joists before you add plasterboard.
Regards S