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Alternative to concrete screed
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:49 pm
by Mitch78
We are removing our tiled floor. Is there an alternative/ cheap to a concrete screed underneath? I was thinking like a chipboard insulated board?
Any ideas?
Re: Alternative to concrete screed
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:25 pm
by welsh brickie
if you remove the screed then yes insulated T&G chipboard would work.And its the cheapest option
Re: Alternative to concrete screed
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:15 pm
by Mitch78
Thanks for that. What it is is at there moment there is underfloor heating, however, whoever installed it didn't provide ventilation so the tiles are lifting. We have been advised to remove the existing floor and remove the pipes. This will leave a gap which will need to be raised to bring it back to the previous floor level. Under the pipes I presume will be the concrete slab, so it's either a concrete screed or the chipboard. Would this be easy to have a go myself??
Re: Alternative to concrete screed
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:18 pm
by welsh brickie
yes its relativly easy but hard work.Make sure you clean the concrete floor so its as level as possible.Glue all the joints on the chipboard as you install it.If you want to raise the floor once the screed is removed you can buy 25mm 50mm or 75mm insulation.