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Subfloor and Thin Concrete Issue Under the Stairs

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 1:01 pm
by ses6jwg
Hi all

Long time lurker first time poster.

Bought a 1950s terrace 18 months ago and has been mostly renovated. Some by us but mostly by a builder.

For some reason at the time we didn't tile under the stairs or pantry.

Looking under the stairs some of the concrete floor felt a bit 'hollow' when I tapped and you can see a cracked section in the corner. This whole section taps hollow. I removed the worst bit in the corner as you can see but the more I remove the more hollow the rest of it sounds...

As this will be a zero foot traffic area can I get away with patching the hole and tiling on top or will I need to get a Pro in to remove that section of sub floor, cna I remove and self level?