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Filling in Gaps Around Wooden Engineered Floor?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:49 am
by ondi
I took my first attempt to lay a wooden (engineered wood) floor in my flat. Overall, I'm delighted, and the main floor looks brilliant.

However, there's some edges where it's a little very untidy looking where I've left the expansion gap. Not to mention my pretty bad cutting in the first place.

I've tried silicon wood filler, but that really doesn't look great. Are there any options to fill these tight gaps, or am I stuck with them? Thanks

Re: Filling in Gaps Around Wooden Engineered Floor?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:12 pm
by crazydaze
I Think you r only option there is a coloured filler.

What should have been done is the architraves should have been under cut with a multi-tool or fein, then the flooring could have been slipped underneath the door frame seamlessly.