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Noisy and broken floorboards causing rooms to shake

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:21 pm
by MortsUk81

I've just moved into a house and the floorboards upstairs are broken in spots (carpet sags down when you step on it) and they're also quite noisy. Feels like the whole room/house shakes when someone is walking about.

I pulled the carpet back in one corner and it looks like they are those narrow loft style floorboards, nailed down. They don't look loose so not sure if the noise and vibrations is because of the joist under are not very stable? No a builder/joiner so no idea.

Is there anything I can do to fix the issue, I can fix the spots that are broken by just doing a like for like replacement I guess but would like to get rid of the noise too.



Re: Noisy and broken floorboards causing rooms to shake

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:50 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi mortsuk81
The most likely issue is that someone in the past has lifted the floor boards and not supported them properly. Suggest you peel back the carpet to the problem area and see what you find.
Regards S