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concrete base within existing wood shed
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:48 am
by pedestal virgin
I have a free-standing wooden shed - actually it's more chalet size - that's in pretty good order...aprt from the wooden floor. It's lying diectly on the souil below and, unsurprisingly, its rotting away. What I want to do is rip the flooring out and replace it with a concrete base. But is it as simple as that? What liners and membranes should I use?
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:35 pm
by Hector
I've thought of this solution myself for an outbuilding I have, constructed by the previous owner who located it at the bottom of a gradient. My floor is rotting also.
Mine sits on an existing concrete drive so I was going to lay the new concrete floor on top and flaunch the outside edge with sand and cement to deflect surface water.
In your case I would have thought a damp proof membrane on a good sub strate would suffice, unless a brickie or ground worker can recommend otherwise. After all it's a shed and dependsnt on your budget
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:31 am
by TheDoctor5
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