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PVC door installed not on brick, but on a length of wood.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:53 am
by LC
By looking from the inside of the sub-floor, I have been able to see that a pvc exterior door has been installed not directly onto the brickwork, which is rather old and crumbly, but onto a length of timber. Further, on the exterior, the rendering has been taken right down to ground level, beyond the dampcourse. A surveyor recommended that the render be cut back above the dampcourse, but this presents the problem of a chunk of wood being exposed to the elements. Presumably the timber should be replaced with brick, but is this possible to do with the door still in situ?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:45 am
by thedoctor
Usually, yes, but as you pull the timber out, chock the frame up with something suitable ( bricks ) at reular intervals. When you start laying the bricks in the hole properly, take out the "chocks" one at a time as you get to them. This will ensure your frame does not drop as you work.