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Foundation for timber frame home

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:04 pm
by phillip1271
Hi, I have bought a plot of land to build a timber frame house and i would like to know what type of foundation to use.
The ground conditions: when i dug down through the top soil i came upon sand about 200mm below to soil and hit the water table about 1000mm.
the sand has got a gravel and clay content.
I have been told that as long as i stay above the water table there should not be a problem with strip foundations.
I have also been told a slab foundation would be better just in case the water table increased.
Can you shed sum light on this for me....

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:40 am
by thedoctor
THis is a question for your local building control officer Phillip. See our foundations project for some idea of normal foundations but your ground conditions will dictate the exact nature of your foundations and you need building regulation approval to get them passed before you can build.