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Hard Core for driveway

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:06 am
by paulnug

I am widening my driveway by lifting some of the turf in my front garden and changing the existing red chuckies to blonde stones on the driveway and the path on the other side of my house.

I have been quoted for the removal of the stones and for the supply of hardcore to firm up the ground where the turf has been lifted.

The quote was quite steep so I am doing the grunt work and the builder is just going to knock down the gate post and build a new one a metre along the pavement.

My question is: Is it possible to use the existing red chuckies as hardcore? I will have loads spare and it seems a waste to bin them. I will be putting down ground sheeting so stop weeds so the stones won't get mixed up, and I will also be hiring a compactor to make sure they are properly, well, compacted.

Thanks in advance.


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Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:43 pm
by paulnug

I am hoping the reason that no one has replied is because some of the text of my question was censored.

Apparently putting the word Hard next to the word Core can mean something other than I had intended :oops:

So, without using dodgy terms, is it advisable to use Red Chuckies as a compactable base for my new driveway ?