Belt and Braces gas tidy up.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:36 pm
Things have changed a lot since I installed my own central heating and gas fires 30 years ago - I still live in the same house and have survived so I must have done something right (although I guess an army of CORGIs or whatever they are now called will say no "you've been lucky"). Nevertheless, today I have removed one of the aforementioned gas fires and replaced it with a simple electric fire. I am not really happy that I have only cut the gas supply using the restrictor elbow - I think I may need to put a compression fitting to blank off where the feed to the fire was, is that the case? if so what's needed?
Or do I actually need a visit from a competent person? Although, I think I am more than able to complete this very simple job.
Appreciate any views - thanks.
Or do I actually need a visit from a competent person? Although, I think I am more than able to complete this very simple job.
Appreciate any views - thanks.