What's Included With a British Gas Boiler Installation?
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What's Included With a British Gas Boiler Installation?

by Crunchie66 » Mon Oct 21, 2019 10:25 pm

My sister had British Gas quote her for a new boiler. The fitters came today. They were in British Gas overalls but were some kind of contractors. They took out the old boiler then said the pipe work was the wrong diameter and would all have to be replaced. They insisted it could not go under the floor as the old pipes did, because they couldn't do that kind of work.

They had thrown the old but working boiler on the pavement and broken it, so could not put it back. Despite all her objections they have insisted the only remedy is to run copper pipe around the edge of the skirting boards right round the house. It looks appalling and none of the furniture fits anymore. They say they will box it in. This will look dreadful. It is going in and out of the fireplace and round the edge of an arch between the two sitting rooms. They phoned their British Gas supervisor but were clearly told they would not pay for putting it under the floor. They said they had to buy extra pipe and are out of pocket as it is.

Does anyone know what her rights are ? She would have stopped the job but because they had broken the old boiler she had no heat or hot water. They were adamant there were no other options.

Surely the contract should not leave her in this situation ? It has severely devalued the house. It seems to me the surveyor who quoted initially should have foreseen the problem, and British Gas should put things right.

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